
Want to trade in your old device for a new Selvas BLV product? Check out our trade-in credits that can be applied to the price of a new Selvas BLV device. Trade-in credits cannot be combined with any other discounts.

BrailleSense 6 and BrailleSense 6 mini Trade-In Credits

Trade-In Device

BrailleSense 6 Trade-In Value

$5895 MSRP

BrailleSense 6 mini Trade-In Value

$4695 MSRP

Polaris $1000 $700
Polaris Mini $700 $500
BrailleSense U2 32-Cell $700 $400
BrailleSense U2 Mini $400 $300
BrailleSense Plus 32-Cell $600 $400
QBraille XL $400 $300
BrailleNote Touch Plus $700 $400
BrailleNote Touch $600 $300
BrailleNote Apex 32-Cell $500 $300
BrailleNote Touch 18-Cell $400 $400
BrailleNote / mPower / Classic (all models) $200 $200
PacMate $200 $200
40-Cell Braille Displays $200 $200
14-Cell Braille Displays $150 $150

Braille eMotion Trade-In Credits

Trade-In Device

Braille eMotion Trade-In Value

$3595 MSRP

BrailleEdge 40 / QBraille XL $500
BrailleSense Polaris $450
BrailleSense Polaris Mini $350
BrailleSense U2 32-Cell $350
BrailleSense U2 Mini $300
BrailleSense Plus 32-Cell $300
BrailleNote Touch / Touch Plus $350
BrailleNote Apex 32-Cell $300
BrailleNote Touch 18-Cell $250
BrailleNote / mPower / Classic (all models) $250
PacMate $250
40-Cell Braille Display $350
14-Cell Braille Display $200

QBraille Trade-In Credits

Trade-In Device QBraille XL Trade-In Value

$3195 MSRP

BrailleEdge 40 $400
BrailleSense Polaris $400
BrailleSense Polaris Mini $300
BrailleSense U2 32-Cell $300
BrailleSense U2 Mini $250
BrailleSense Plus 32-Cell $250
BrailleNote Touch / Touch Plus $300
BrailleNote Apex 32-Cell $250
BrailleNote Touch 18-Cell $200
BrailleNote / mPower / Classic (all models) $200
PacMate $200
40-Cell Braille Display $300
14-Cell Braille Display $150